Maple Heights OGT Science Study Guide-- Pages 27 thru 33

  1. 3. The crustal plates sit on the ___ layer of the Earth.
  2. 5. When tectonic plates slide past each other creating friction,
  3. 6. Movement along a break in rock layers; can be caused by plate tectonics.
  4. 7. The more ___ & precipitation means more plants and more life.
  5. 8. A piece or trace of an organism that was once alive. They are mainly
  6. 11. This biome is characterized by dry & wet seasons but very cold.
  7. 12. ___ proposed the continental drift theory saying that at
  8. 15. time all continents joined together in a single land mass.
  9. 16. ___ currents in the mantle push the crustal plates around causing continents to drift & seafloors to spread.
  10. 17. This biome is characterized by dry & wet season. Temperature is hot.
  11. 18. never replace or renew them. Some believe they took millions of years to form.
  12. 19. Bending in rock layers caused by plate tectonics.
  13. 22. This forest biome is characterized by varying moisture throughout year. Has cool summers & cold winters.
  14. 24. This forest biome is characterized by evenly distributed moisture throughout year. Has warm summers and cold winters.
  15. 25. like a ___.
  16. 26. ___ warming is the planet becoming warmer through out the years.
  17. 27. Biomes with ___ temperatures have less amount of life living there.
  1. 1. The theory that the Earth’s crust is made up of many plates that are floating on top of the Earth’s mantle layer which is molten
  2. 2. This biome is characterized by little rain & large daily change in temperature (hot in the day & cold at night).
  3. 4. Wegener’s final observation was that the continents fit
  4. 6. The main observation that supports Wegener’s theory is that identical ___ of an animal were found on different continents.
  5. 8. in sedimentary rocks.
  6. 9. Fossil fuels are considered ___ resources because we
  7. 10. ___ from mantle can erupt past space between 2 plates or melt
  8. 11. a soft crustal plate.
  9. 13. This biome is characterized by lots of rain with hot temperatures.
  10. 14. Burning fossil fuels & wood give off carbon dioxide (CO2). Some believe this is increasing the ___ effect and causing global warming.
  11. 20. rock.
  12. 21. When Earth’s plates collide & push up they can create ___ ranges.
  13. 23. ___ resources however can be replaced and renewed. Sunlight, water power, wind, wood, crops are all renewable resources.
  14. 28. Wegener also observed that identical ___ layers (formations) were found on many continents.