Maps, symbols and countries

  1. 4. the capital city of country D on the map.
  2. 6. it connects country A to country F
  3. 12. When you come from England, you are _________
  4. 13. The symbol of England
  5. 14. The Scottish flag has a white _______ cross.
  6. 17. Country C on the map
  7. 18. one of the Scottish capital cities, and not one house in the class.
  8. 19. The Irish flag has three vertical _______
  9. 20. It is a flower, and one of the welsh symbols
  10. 21. The Irish symbol
  11. 22. London is the capital city of this country
  12. 25. The second name of Country E on the map
  13. 26. "avec" in English
  14. 28. It is big, red, and it is the Welsh symbol
  15. 29. The Scottish, English and Ulster flag has one.
  1. 1. Capital City of country E on the map
  2. 2. It is a vegetable, and one of the welsh symbols
  3. 3. the French for "Pays de Galles"
  4. 5. Symbol of Scotland, it is also a plant.
  5. 7. Capital City of England
  6. 8. Capital City of "Pays de Galles"
  7. 9. When you come from Wales, you are _________
  8. 10. the not independent part of Ireland
  9. 11. the ocean between country A and country F
  10. 15. one of the Scottish capital cities, and one house in the class
  11. 16. country E is the Republic of__________
  12. 21. When you come from Scotland, you are ________
  13. 23. Country D on the map is __________ Ireland
  14. 24. country F on the map
  15. 27. When you come from Ireland, you are _________