Maps terminology

  1. 2. It describes how to interpret the map’s symbols
  2. 7. A set of numbers on a map used to find the distance from a specific place
  3. 8. The relation between a distance on a map to the real distance in nature.
  4. 9. These are mainly used in tourism or for outdoor activities. They show city walks, itineraries, cycle routes or hiking trails.
  5. 10. a space-based radio navigation system owned by the United States government and operated by the US Air Force.
  6. 11. It's a line that is used to measure distance on a map.
  1. 1. a program that transforms geographical addresses to their respective coordinates.
  2. 3. They are thematic maps of national parks, leisure parks or amusement parks.
  3. 4. Map designed to provide information on a single topic, such as geology, rainfall or population.
  4. 5. This is the instrument that has a magnetic needle on a round dial which always points north.
  5. 6. The art, science and technology of making maps.