March Safety

  1. 4. Your county of residence will be put under a tornado (blank) if conditions are favorable to produce a tornado.
  2. 6. Proper shelters for tornados are (blank) rooms without windows.
  3. 9. The wrist (blank) stretch requires you to hold out your arm and turn the wrist down until you feel a stretch.
  4. 10. Avoid bridges and highway (blank) when searching for a tornado shelter while driving.
  5. 13. Cover your head and (blank) while sheltering in place.
  6. 14. (Blank) keeps your muscles flexible and strong.
  7. 16. (blank) is improved when stretching is performed on a daily routine.
  8. 17. The neck (blank) requires you to drop your head to left or right; attempting to touch your ear to the shoulder.
  1. 1. Reducing the (blank) of injury is one benefit of stretching.
  2. 2. Tornado (blank) are issued if a tornado is sighted.
  3. 3. Tornados are violent columns of air that produce powerful (blank).
  4. 5. Tornados mostly occur during (blank) and May for Indiana.
  5. 7. Lifting your arms over your head, interlace your fingers, and press your arms back to participate in this (blank) stretch.
  6. 8. (blank) can occurr in each month of the year.
  7. 11. Tornado season for Indiana typically ends in (blank).
  8. 12. If shelter is available, lay flat on your stomach in a (blank) or ravine.
  9. 15. Tornados are dangerous forces of nature that can destroy large buildings, throw cars and large objects, and uproot (blank).
  10. 18. Drive at a right (blank) (if safe to do so) to get out of the tornados path.