Marci's Baby Shower

  1. 4. brand of diapers
  2. 5. Baby bodysuit
  3. 8. George What is the theme of baby Haungs nursery
  4. 10. Baby Haungs birth month
  5. 11. Vitamins for expecting mothers
  6. 12. Most common baby boys name in 2015
  7. 13. What the doctor tells you to do in the delivery room
  8. 14. A shot that never felt so good
  9. 15. basket lined baby bed
  10. 19. The Haungs want at least _____kids
  11. 20. The Hanugs can't wait till baby Haungs can do this
  12. 21. Baby Haungs name
  1. 1. If Baby Haungs was a girl the name was going to be
  2. 2. Most common baby girls name in 2015
  3. 3. Baby Haungs will be the second _____for Joanne and the first for Kathy
  4. 6. Billion Average number of babies born each year in the US
  5. 7. Marci's favorite thing to cook for family dinner every Tuesday
  6. 8. what hospital is Marci having her baby
  7. 9. Marci says she is so ready for ______leave
  8. 15. Marci said there must be ____at her shower
  9. 16. Marci is over _____months pregnant today
  10. 17. The Haungs were so_____to find out It's a boy!!!!
  11. 18. Marci's favorite animal
  12. 19. This will be the ____ grandchild child for the Diehl's