Maren Evanto's Inca Crossword

  1. 3. The SapaInca lived in a what?
  2. 5. The person who runs to deliver mail.
  3. 7. The SapaInca made this type of rules
  4. 10. The way the Incas kept track of everything.
  5. 11. The commoner did not have any what?
  6. 12. Each noble family had a different what style?
  7. 14. The ruler and god of the Incas.
  8. 15. This livestock animal has many uses.
  9. 18. Where the Incas live.
  10. 19. The Incas sun god.
  11. 21. These were pulled down by heavy earings.
  12. 22. The Incas worshiped these.
  13. 23. Cuzco was made of what?
  14. 24. The Incas main crop.
  1. 1. The way of farming using stairs.
  2. 2. Your punishment for doing a wrong action.
  3. 4. Most commoners have what job.
  4. 6. This is the way they prepared for death.
  5. 8. Another word for farming.
  6. 9. The place noble kids go to learn.
  7. 13. Their tribe name.
  8. 16. This creature sat alone all day indoors.
  9. 17. The capital city of where the Incas live.
  10. 20. They built lots of these for their road system.