Marine Bio Module 1 Crossword Puzzle A

  1. 2. the world's largest ocean
  2. 6. In seafloor spreading plates move ____ from each other.
  3. 8. the portion of the earth’s crust that is mostly basalt
  4. 9. This layer of the earth is thought to be made of solid iron.
  5. 11. Plate ____ is a process involving the movement of large plates in the earth's mantle.
  6. 12. the scientist who proposed the continental drift theory
  7. 13. The ____ core is thought to generate the magnetic field.
  1. 1. the downward movement of one plate into the earth’s mantle when two plates collide
  2. 2. Each ____ is bounded by ocean trench or a ridge.
  3. 3. ____ is heavier than granite.
  4. 4. Continental ____ form when ocean crust subducts under continental crust.
  5. 5. the ancient supercontinent
  6. 7. the location that causes the earth’s tectonic plates to move
  7. 10. The mantle is made up of ____ that is near its melting point.