Marine Biology

  1. 2. an organ that connects the developing fetus
  2. 4. vertical
  3. 5. derived from an outpocketing of the digestive tube.
  4. 7. a non-vascular type of supporting connective tissue
  5. 8. eggs that are encased by extra-embryonic
  6. 10. body types
  7. 12. asexual
  8. 13. a highly evolved and specialized organ
  9. 17. male and female
  10. 19. is a hard covering that supports and protects the bodies of some types of animals.
  11. 20. a skeleton that is on the inside of a body, like humans, dogs, or some fish
  1. 1. backbone
  2. 3. a system of vessels in echinoderms
  3. 6. cold blooded
  4. 9. the shedding or casting off of an outer layer or covering and the formation of its replacement
  5. 11. projecting growth
  6. 12. opposite body types
  7. 14. x equality
  8. 15. warm blooded animals
  9. 16. bottom of water
  10. 18. deuterostomal animals