Marine Biology

  1. 5. any organism living in the ocean, but away from the shore and ocean bottom
  2. 7. a coral reef that forms along the shoreline
  3. 8. a limestone ridge that is formed from hard coral
  4. 14. water in the open ocean divided into different zones based upon how much sunlight reaches that depth of water
  5. 18. any organism that lives on the bottom of the ocean
  6. 19. microscopic algae that live inside of and have a symbiotic relationship with coral
  7. 21. when a group of fish swims together in the same direction in a synchronized manner
  8. 22. cetaceans that have teeth these include beaked whales, porpoises, and dolphins
  9. 24. animals with a backbone or spinal column
  10. 25. when a group of fish lives together for social aspects
  1. 1. when ocean water reaches the lowest point along the shore due to the gravitational pull of the moon and sun
  2. 2. a shallow body of water that remains within rocks along the intertidal zone during low tide
  3. 3. the branch of science that investigates the organisms that live in salt water
  4. 4. when animals move to a new place based upon the seasons
  5. 6. the area of the ocean shore found between the high tide and the low tide
  6. 8. the gently sloping section of shallow seawater that goes from the shore into the ocean
  7. 9. a small, soft-bodied, single animal that secretes a limestone shell that forms coral reefs
  8. 10. a coral reef that is separated from the shoreline by a deep channel of water
  9. 11. animals with no backbone or spinal column
  10. 12. tide when ocean water reaches the highest point along the shore due to the gravitational pull of the moon and sun
  11. 13. the portion of the ocean that slopes between the edge of the continental shelf and the deep sea floor
  12. 15. the ability of an animal to find the location of an object by making a sound and hearing the sound reflected
  13. 16. a ring-shaped coral reef, often formed from the sinking of a volcanic island
  14. 17. a large area of sea typically divided into geographic locations
  15. 20. coral polyps that grow together in a group
  16. 23. cetaceans that filter feed and have baleen plates instead of teeth