Marine Extra Credit

  1. 3. Each of the pair of fins just behind the head of fishes
  2. 8. The fin on the upper or back surface of a fish
  3. 12. Organ used to detect electrical currents when sharks are close to an object
  4. 15. The last ventral fin of fishes
  5. 16. laterline allows fish to school and move without running into eachother
  6. 17. The posterior, or tail, fin of fishes
  7. 19. a living thing
  1. 1. sharks, rays, skates, mantas
  2. 2. color pattern that results in dark back and light belly
  3. 3. Each of the pair of fins just behind the head of fishes
  4. 4. fish sensory organ
  5. 5. Gas filled sack that helps with buoyancy (bony fish)
  6. 6. organism with bones
  7. 7. water between salty and fresh
  8. 9. jawless fish
  9. 10. fastest shark
  10. 11. most common fish
  11. 13. 2 chambers
  12. 14. largest known fish filter feeds
  13. 18. flat bodied organism; triangle shaped body