Marketing Entrepreneurship

  1. 3. how much money you make off of a product
  2. 6. an image that represents a company
  3. 7. who the market is being sold to
  4. 8. someone who takes something already made and changes something about it
  5. 9. short phrase that sticks in people's minds
  6. 10. a catchy song to the tune of a familiar song
  7. 11. a thought payed for
  8. 12. and item that is made
  9. 13. how much something costs
  1. 1. someone who starts their own business
  2. 2. advertising
  3. 4. items bought
  4. 5. actions bought
  5. 8. someone who makes something new
  6. 12. where, how, and why something is sold