- 2. renewing part of the business cycle
- 4. customer will buy the product no matter the price
- 5. there are more products than are being bought
- 8. slow part of of business cycle
- 10. percentage of total revenue
- 12. there are not enough products to go around
- 13. growing part of business cycle
- 14. bought for business uses.
- 15. groups based on location
- 17. groups based on population
- 18. a need
- 1. a want
- 3. when both consumer and producers are happy with price
- 4. movement of an economy through 4 phases
- 6. consumers ability to buy products
- 7. down part of a business cycle
- 9. Gross national product
- 11. bought for personal use
- 16. Gross domestic product
- 19. the amount of goods producers produce