Marking period 1

  1. 3. I have a ____ of when I was a little boy.
  2. 5. when my brother is fear he acts for _____
  3. 7. a _____ make many disasters.
  4. 8. in a_____ live many people.
  5. 10. I was in the Elian’s house and I called him ____
  6. 13. when I feel _____ I call my teacher.
  7. 14. when he is in his house he feels so ____
  8. 15. When I sleep alone I feel ___
  1. 1. I must show _______ to my parents.
  2. 2. I created a _____ for kill a animal.
  3. 4. There many ____ in the world.
  4. 6. I have to _____ my homework.
  5. 9. when happend a _____ we must to call the 911.
  6. 11. when i am playing video games i feel _____
  7. 12. When I run my leg_____