Marmalade cat short story

  1. 2. the opposite of weak
  2. 4. the English word for 'beleefd'
  3. 8. a different word for crying
  4. 11. part of an animal, cats use it for balance
  5. 12. You need to pay '.........' to the lesson. It's important
  6. 13. the English word for 'beslissen'
  7. 14. something soft which you can lay on the floor
  8. 15. something you sit on
  9. 18. the English word for 'gehaktbal'
  10. 19. the English word for 'waarschijnlijk'
  11. 20. He '.......'(raden) that she was twelve, bus she was fourteen
  12. 21. the opposite of happy
  13. 23. When you need to eat something, you feel ...
  14. 24. the opposite of nice
  15. 25. the opposite of busy
  1. 1. the English word for 'soms'
  2. 3. when your throat is itchy, you '.....'
  3. 5. do not pay attention to something
  4. 6. the English word for 'hoek'
  5. 7. transparent piece of a wall, usually can be opened
  6. 9. when something '......', it's gone, you can't find it
  7. 10. a different word for 'a worry'
  8. 11. a large plant with leaves on it
  9. 16. plants in the garden that you do not want there
  10. 17. why on '......' did you do that? It's silly!
  11. 22. the English word for 'irriteren'
  12. 26. a different word for smell