- 2. the opposite of weak
- 4. the English word for 'beleefd'
- 8. a different word for crying
- 11. part of an animal, cats use it for balance
- 12. You need to pay '.........' to the lesson. It's important
- 13. the English word for 'beslissen'
- 14. something soft which you can lay on the floor
- 15. something you sit on
- 18. the English word for 'gehaktbal'
- 19. the English word for 'waarschijnlijk'
- 20. He '.......'(raden) that she was twelve, bus she was fourteen
- 21. the opposite of happy
- 23. When you need to eat something, you feel ...
- 24. the opposite of nice
- 25. the opposite of busy
- 1. the English word for 'soms'
- 3. when your throat is itchy, you '.....'
- 5. do not pay attention to something
- 6. the English word for 'hoek'
- 7. transparent piece of a wall, usually can be opened
- 9. when something '......', it's gone, you can't find it
- 10. a different word for 'a worry'
- 11. a large plant with leaves on it
- 16. plants in the garden that you do not want there
- 17. why on '......' did you do that? It's silly!
- 22. the English word for 'irriteren'
- 26. a different word for smell