mars crossword

  1. 4. a person who goes into space
  2. 6. The ending of a story.
  3. 9. Flowing water.
  4. 10. In science fiction, to change a planet to resemble Earth.
  5. 12. A natural satellite of a planet.
  6. 15. What is it called when someone talks when you are talking?
  7. 17. the result of an asteroid hitting a planet or moon.
  1. 1. top and bottom of a planet.
  2. 2. Taking control of a place using military force.
  3. 3. gasses around planets
  4. 5. A person who investigates space,planets, and asteroids.
  5. 7. system planets orbiting a sun
  6. 8. soil that is frozen all the time
  7. 11. Small pieces of rock that come into Earth's atmosphere.
  8. 13. curved path
  9. 14. The shape of a ball.
  10. 15. Unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.
  11. 16. Something that needs immediate action is what?