Martial Arts

  1. 1. Literally means the Heavens and the Earth
  2. 4. Being humble and unassuming
  3. 5. To thwart an opponent's punch by pushing it to the outside
  4. 7. To thwart an opponent's head attack
  5. 8. Never giving up
  6. 10. Doing the right thing always, even when people aren't watching
  7. 12. To attack an opponent with the heel of your foot..., slide up, skipping in, step behind...
  8. 14. Yell
  9. 17. The martial arts discipline founded by General Choi Hong Hi
  10. 18. The country where Taekwondo originated
  11. 20. The Korean term for Master
  12. 21. Known as the "Confucius of Korea!"
  13. 22. Being polite and respectful
  1. 2. Never wanting to give up
  2. 3. Named after the youth group in the 7th century where Taekwondo developed into maturity
  3. 6. To attack an opponent with the heel on the shoulder or top of the head
  4. 9. To attack an opponent with the top of your foot
  5. 11. The founder of Arrowhead Martial Arts Academy
  6. 13. What does bow teach?
  7. 15. The Korean term for Grandmaster
  8. 16. Pattern with 21 moves that is named after the legendary founder of Korea in the year 2333 B.C.
  9. 19. To thwart an opponent's kick or low punch