
  1. 3. A very sweet thing you get on Halloween
  2. 4. Something you drink and is made by Keri and Charlies
  3. 6. A yellow fruit that you eat in summer and has a huge seed
  4. 8. I a food that apparently Asians like
  5. 9. Something you put in Hot Chocolate and is squishy
  6. 11. An orange veggie that helps with your eyes
  7. 14. A veggie or fruit that you can make sauce to go on your hot do with
  8. 15. It is green and has a brown seed and I eat it with a spoon and I'm surprised you don't
  9. 16. A wiggle food that takes awhile to set
  10. 18. Long things that you can make in 2 mins
  11. 19. A thing you eat that is made of cocoa
  1. 1. You drink it in winter to keep warm
  2. 2. A fast food place called _______ king
  3. 5. goes with bacon and can be cooked in different ways
  4. 7. goes with fish
  5. 10. sour fruit that is yellow
  6. 11. Something you eat on your birthday
  7. 12. A meal that Frence people are famous for and it is yuck
  8. 13. A glizzy in a bun
  9. 17. A veggie that is yuck and starts with L