
  1. 1. What country does Black Widow originate?
  2. 6. Thor is God of what?
  3. 11. What arachnid superhero protects New York City?
  4. 14. An odd physician
  5. 15. Unofficial rank of Steve Rogers
  6. 16. "I, too, am incredibly humble." -Drax the ____
  1. 2. What company invented the arc reactor?
  2. 3. "It's ___ time!" -The Thing
  3. 4. Hawkeye's weapon of choice
  4. 5. What herb gives the Black Panther his powers?
  5. 7. What type of wild animal guards the galaxy?
  6. 8. Carol ___, aka Captain Marvel
  7. 9. Noise you wouldn't want Yondu to make
  8. 10. "May the ___ be with you"
  9. 12. Wade Wilson, in disguise
  10. 13. Wolverine's bones are grafted with what?