
  1. 3. Russian Spy
  2. 6. the tree's friend
  3. 7. Tony Stark's AI
  4. 8. God of Mischief/brother to Thor
  5. 9. I am _______
  6. 12. Purple guy who fights the Avengers
  7. 13. has claws coming out of hands
  8. 15. can stick to walls
  9. 16. God of Thunder
  1. 1. He turns green
  2. 2. Can shrink or grow
  3. 3. T'Challa
  4. 4. Played by Ryan Reynolds
  5. 5. Used to be a doctor
  6. 10. Uses a bow and arrow
  7. 11. Frozen in ice for 70 years
  8. 14. a tree that says 3 words