
  1. 4. She is named after a deadly spider whose name is also used in English to refer to a woman who has murdered her own husband.
  2. 6. He is one of the most powerful gods in the Norse/Viking pantheon. In English, one day of the week is named after him.
  3. 8. He is a sentient tree with a small vocabulary but a giant heart.
  4. 9. He is a patriotic hero whose suit has the same color scheme as his country’s flag.
  5. 12. He is an inventor and wealthy entrepreneur.
  6. 13. A bite from a mutant arachnid endowed him with lightning reflexes and the ability to swing easily from building to building.
  1. 1. The _____ has anger management issues and temporarily becomes someone different when enraged.
  2. 2. A supervillain whose mission is to obtain all the Infinity Stones and then massacre billions of creatures. Ronan the Accuser is one of his allies.
  3. 3. A former surgeon who originally embraced magic as a way of healing his crippled hands.
  4. 5. He is a Guardian of the Galaxy who closely resembles an animal that often digs through people’s trash cans.
  5. 7. He is a Guardian of the Galaxy. His last name means “feather”.
  6. 10. The _____ is the name of a group of superheroes. This name means something like “punishers of wrongdoers” or “people getting even”.
  7. 11. He is the Norse God of Mischief. He forms an alliance with the supervillain seeking the Infinity Stones.