
  1. 4. The town that Wand stayed in and changed.
  2. 6. What Pepper Potts is allergic to.
  3. 8. The sister of Gamora and daughter of Thanos
  4. 9. The infinity stone used by Stephen Strange.
  5. 10. The infinity stone owned and a part of Vision was the _ stone.
  6. 11. Where the avengers had their finale fight against Thanos in infinity war.
  7. 12. The friend of Jane Foster is _ Lewis.
  1. 1. The infinity stone found and taken by Peter quill was the _ Stone.
  2. 2. The sister of Natasha Ramanof.
  3. 3. The daughter of Tony Stark.
  4. 5. Stolen and used by Loki in the first Avengers.
  5. 6. The infinity stone that Gmaora and Natasha were both sacrificed for was the _ stone.
  6. 7. The infinity stone that was put in the possession of Gamora as a child was the _stone.