  1. 2. He is the prince of Asgard has the hammer. He is the god of thunder
  2. 3. He was given super soldier serum by the hydra and he has a metal arm.
  3. 5. She is Thanos' stepdaughter. He has red hair and is one of the guardians of the galaxy.
  4. 6. He turns into a hero when he gets angry. He is actually a doctor.
  5. 7. Red room is educated. And she died for the soul stone in Avengers Endgame.
  6. 8. she was a character with superior telepathy power and she was really strong
  7. 9. The portal can open and carry the time stone .
  8. 11. He has been given super soldier serum and has a shield.
  1. 1. He is the director of stark company. He has armor. The name of the digital Assistant is J.A.R.V.I.S.
  2. 2. He is the king of Wakanda. He has a costume made of vibrenium.
  3. 4. She was a pilot before he regained his strength. She got a haircut in Marvel Endgame.
  4. 6. He is an active shooter and fighting hero. He is known for his precise marksmanship.
  5. 10. He became a hero after being bitten by a spider. and the young is one of the superheroes