
  1. 4. the name of the new hawkeye
  2. 5. the god of mischief
  3. 8. what caps sheild is made up of
  4. 9. what they called it when everyone dusted
  5. 10. the earths mightiest defenders
  6. 16. home of the winter soldier
  7. 17. who caused 50% of the universe to disapear
  8. 18. leader of hydra
  9. 19. also known as ironman
  10. 20. where thor and loki live
  11. 21. the god of thunder
  1. 1. he holds the mind stone
  2. 2. kellys favorite character
  3. 3. the organization that kidnapped tony stark
  4. 6. what Thanos wears to hold the stone
  5. 7. color of the power stone
  6. 11. also known as scarlet witch
  7. 12. tonys AI system
  8. 13. color of the reality stone
  9. 14. the place where black panther comes from
  10. 15. who is the keeper of the time stone
  11. 16. big green guy