
  1. 5. Steve Rodgers
  2. 8. Peter Quill's real father
  3. 9. James Rhodes
  4. 12. Sorcerer Supreme
  5. 14. Peter Quill
  6. 17. Peter Quill's father figure
  7. 18. Bradley Cooper
  8. 19. Invisible Guardian of the Galaxy
  9. 21. Hugh Jackman
  10. 22. Carol Danvers
  11. 25. Drax's "girlfriend"
  12. 27. The mad titan
  13. 28. Asgardian king
  14. 31. He who remains
  15. 32. Sam Wilson
  16. 33. Female Asgardian soldier
  17. 35. James Bucky Barnes
  18. 36. Guardian of the Soul stone
  19. 37. Morgan's mother
  20. 39. Stephen Strange
  21. 41. Matt Murdock
  22. 43. Jen Walters
  23. 45. Pietro Maximoff
  24. 46. Mark Spector
  25. 47. Owner of the Mind Stone
  26. 48. Vin Diesel
  1. 1. Peter Parker
  2. 2. Owner of the Ten Rings
  3. 3. Lady Thor
  4. 4. Asgardian queen
  5. 6. Peter Parker's girlfriend
  6. 7. Scott Lang
  7. 10. Created by the Celestials
  8. 11. Thanos's favorite daughter
  9. 13. Peter Parker's Best friend
  10. 15. Sylvie
  11. 16. Lead by Okoye
  12. 20. Goddess of Death
  13. 23. Tony stark
  14. 24. Clint Barton
  15. 26. Director of SHIELD
  16. 27. God of Thunder
  17. 29. Wade Wilson
  18. 30. Miss Chaves
  19. 34. T'challa
  20. 35. Hope Dyne
  21. 38. Wanda Maximoff
  22. 40. Bruce Banner
  23. 42. God of Mischief
  24. 44. Natasha Romanoff