
  1. 1. bad temper
  2. 4. a great bow and arrow man
  3. 7. dies in End games saving the world
  4. 8. a super solder and falls to a great death
  5. 12. a web slinging hero
  6. 13. it was a T.v serise
  7. 14. a goddess of lightning
  8. 15. jarves as a hero
  9. 18. died in real life🥹 i'm trying not to... cry😭
  10. 19. a team of heroes
  11. 20. has two movies
  1. 2. age of??______
  2. 3. a black and white spider
  3. 5. the commander of this joint
  4. 6. an america hero
  5. 9. a hero that can be a bug
  6. 10. same bug but a lady
  7. 11. protectors of the galaxy
  8. 16. he is a big like big big bad guy
  9. 17. a bad a## titan