
  1. 4. got the time stone
  2. 5. (two words so use -)how much time ant man thought he was trapped?
  3. 10. the name of the good superheroes group
  4. 13. (two words so use -)the one who brought back half the universe
  5. 14. captain america stole the mind stone from ____
  6. 15. (two words so use -)the place they travelled to at 2012
  7. 16. (two words so use -) the one who was trapped for 5 years
  8. 17. the name of thor's hammer
  1. 1. (two words so use -) got sacrificed
  2. 2. (two words so use -) what they used for time travel
  3. 3. the villan
  4. 6. what thanos did to wipe the universe the action
  5. 7. the place they travelled to at 2013
  6. 8. she was like a daughter for thanos
  7. 9. (two words so use -) the stone they first failed to get
  8. 11. the number of stones they had to get
  9. 12. stole the reality stone