marvel charcters

  1. 3. the other side of hulk
  2. 4. rich billionaire marvel
  3. 5. 'SMASH'
  4. 6. can read your thoughts and feelings
  5. 11. peter parker
  6. 13. the first avenger
  7. 15. can turn small or big
  8. 19. had the time stone
  9. 21. dies for the soulstone in endgame
  10. 22. sam wilson
  11. 24. the archer
  12. 25. gamora's sister
  13. 27. leaked iron man villain
  14. 29. colonel rhodes suit
  15. 31. the little talking racoon
  16. 33. her brother is super fast
  17. 34. captain america's love interest
  18. 35. married to scarlett which
  19. 37. "age of "
  1. 1. carol danvers
  2. 2. 'i am groot'
  3. 3. captain americas best friend during the war
  4. 7. loki's his best weapon
  5. 8. thor's and loki's sister
  6. 9. father of thor and loki
  7. 10. RIP chadman bosewick
  8. 12. dates star lord?
  9. 14. teached doctor strange
  10. 16. thor's brothers
  11. 17. the villain in guardians of galaxy
  12. 18. loves mantis
  13. 20. main villain in hulk
  14. 23. tony stark's love interest
  15. 26. he stuck hes middle finger up to his father in law
  16. 28. head of shield
  17. 30. 'you didn't see that coming'
  18. 32. snapped away half of the marvel universe
  19. 36. black panther sister