Marvel Heroes

  1. 1. Leader of shield. He puts together the Avengers.
  2. 2. The first American "super soldier"
  3. 3. Tree-like, very strong, limited vocabulary.
  4. 5. Always has a bow and arrows. Has his own Disney+ series.
  5. 10. Just a kid from queens that Tony Stark takes under his wing. Strong, agile, and smart.
  6. 12. Originally an elite female warrior from Asgard. Thor asks her to lead the Asgardian people at the end of Endgame.
  7. 13. Wade Wilson. Doesn't consider himself a "hero."
  8. 14. The lesser known Maximoff twin. Has super speed, dies in Avengers: Age of Ultron.
  9. 16. Marvel Before receiving her powers she was a pilot. She is very strong and can fly.
  10. 17. Norse god, wields mjolnir
  11. 20. Just a blind lawyer during the day...
  12. 21. Can manipulate the weather.
  13. 22. Has brains and fortune, inventor of the arc reactor.
  14. 26. Tony Stark's good friend. He also wears an iron man type suit.
  15. 27. Skilled in martial arts. Also now wields "The Ten Rings."
  16. 30. Master of the mystic arts
  17. 31. Orignally joins his team to hunt down Ronan the Accuser, who is responsible for killing his family.
  1. 1. An X-men that has the ability to teleport.
  2. 4. King of Wakanda. Wears a suit made of vibranium, and has many "super soldier" type abilities.
  3. 6. Has adamantium throughout his whole body. Has an incredible self healing ability.
  4. 7. Made completely out of vibranium. His mind is a combination of Jarvis the AI and the Mind Stone.
  5. 8. The "gatekeeper" of Asgard. He carries a sword that can control the bifrost.
  6. 9. Leader of the Ravengers. Raised Peter Quill.
  7. 10. Has a love for music. Part human and part god. Raised by Ravengers
  8. 11. His suit has the ability to make him very small or very big.
  9. 15. Has the ability to use "chaos magic." Many would think of her as a sorcerer.
  10. 18. Was exposed to huge amounts of gamma radiation, and as a result was given "powers."
  11. 19. Created by hydra. He has a metal arm.
  12. 23. He's literally a talking racoon with guns.
  13. 24. Dr. Strange's right hand man. Also very skilled in the mystic arts.
  14. 25. Started as Pepper Potts' personal assistant. Works for shield. Russian assassin.
  15. 28. One of Thanos' "daughters." Thanos ended up sacrificing her to get the soul stone.
  16. 29. Can sense and influence people's emotions, as well as help/force people to sleep.