Mary and the Saints

  1. 7. The Crucifixion of our Lord is what type of mystery in the Rosary?
  2. 9. A female patron
  3. 10. The name of a prophet in the Old Testament whose name means "who is the Lord?"
  4. 14. A ghost or ghostlike image of a person, a remarkable or unexpected appearance of someone or something. Eg; _____ of Our Lady of Lourdes
  5. 15. The announcement of the Incarnation by the Angel Gabriel to Mary.
  6. 16. The name of the person in the New Testament who became the first Christian martyr
  7. 19. Great respect; reverence
  1. 1. The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth is what type of mystery in the Rosary?
  2. 2. A person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God.
  3. 3. The name of a prayer to our Virgin Mary which starts with "My soul magnifies the Lord"
  4. 4. A person who dies for their religious faiths or beliefs
  5. 5. The Church teaching that Mary was asumed (taken up) both body and soul into heaven.
  6. 6. The Church teaching that Mary was conceived without the stain of original sin.
  7. 8. A form of devotion in which five decades of Hail Mary are repeated
  8. 11. The act of admitting a deceased person a special status of someone very holy, declaring them to be a saint.
  9. 12. One who accepts and assists in spreading doctrines of another; one of the twelve in the inner circle of Christ's followers according to the Gospel accounts.
  10. 13. The Virgin Mary M_ _ _ _ _ _
  11. 16. A person who is officially recognized by the Christian Church as being very holy because of the way he or she lived. Eg; _ _ _ _ _ Mary Mackillop
  12. 17. Religious worship of observance, prayers or religious observances
  13. 18. The quality or state of being holy; a title or form of address given to the Pope, Orthodox patriarchs, and the Dalai Lama