Mary, the Mother of God

  1. 2. All who heard the shepherds wondered at what they said, but Mary treasured up all these things in her what? (Luke 2:19)
  2. 6. Mary told Jesus he has caused them great what? (Luke 2:48)
  3. 9. An angel of the Lord told Joseph to take whom as his wife? (Matthew 1:20)
  4. 12. The shepherds found whom with the baby lying in a manger? (Luke 2:16) (3 words)
  5. 14. Joseph woke from sleep and took Mary as his what? (Matthew 1:24)
  6. 15. When Mary the mother of Jesus was at the tomb with Mary Magdalene and the other women, she was told by the angel that Jesus had what? (Mark 16:6)
  7. 17. The angel said Jesus' birth by a what would fulfill what the Lord spoke through the prophet? (Matthew 1:23)
  8. 18. Did they understand what Jesus was talking about in Luke 2:49-50)
  9. 19. From that hour John took Mary in to where? (John 19:27)(2 words)
  10. 20. The angel told Joseph they were to name the baby what? (Matthew 1:21)
  11. 21. When the wise men saw the what/whom with Mary, they fell down and worshiped him? (Matthew 2:11)
  1. 1. Mary did what in her heart with all the things that were happening with Jesus? (Luke 2:51)
  2. 3. When Elizabeth greeted Mary what leaped? (Luke 1:41)
  3. 4. In Mary's song, she said her soul ___________ the Lord? (Luke 1:46)
  4. 5. On the cross, Jesus said to John, the disciple He loved, "Behold, your what? (John 19:27)
  5. 7. Mary said that her spirit does what in God her Savior? (Luke 1:46)
  6. 8. When Jesus was twelve his family when to Jerusalem for the Feast of what? (Luke 2:41)
  7. 10. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was also the mother of whom? (Mark 16:1)
  8. 11. Who brought the child into the temple to present Him to the LORD? (Luke 2:27)
  9. 13. Mary was with child from whom? (Matthew 1:18) (2 words)
  10. 16. Elizabeth called Mary the mother of my what? (Luke 1:43)