Maslow's Humanistic Theory

  1. 4. The theorist did not provide any __ support for his theory in his initial paper
  2. 9. Second half of publication year (rhymes with sporty bee)
  3. 11. True or false: A review by Wahba & Bridwell (1976) found support for the idea that people always move through the hierarchy in the exact order proposed by the theory
  4. 12. Dominant school of psychology that this theory departed from
  5. 13. This theory proposes that basic needs are organized into a hierarchy of relative ___
  6. 14. Second level of needs: includes security and a preference for familiarity
  7. 15. First level of needs; includes hunger, thirst, sleep
  8. 17. Key theorist
  9. 19. The top level of the hierarchy focuses on __ motivation
  10. 21. The dominating force influencing behavior
  1. 1. This theory may be used to __ why behavior occurred rather than predict the future; can use context clues to try to determine what needs were emergent at the time
  2. 2. Tay & Diener (2011) found that the theory may be applicable on a __ level, observing that the search for meaning was more common in countries where basic needs had been met for most of the population
  3. 3. Although this theory is not commonly used as a framework for empirical studies, it makes an appearance in fields such as education and ___
  4. 5. First half of publication year (rhymes with pine bean)
  5. 6. This theory contributed to the development of __'s Model of Psychological Wellbeing that includes components such as environmental mastery and growth
  6. 7. The first four levels of the hierarchy focus on __ needs
  7. 8. Top level of the hierarchy; growing into the person you were meant to be
  8. 10. Major field this theory contributed to; focuses on topics such as optimal human functioning, wellbeing, and peak experiences
  9. 16. The theory is said to appeal to __ __ (also the name of a book by Thomas Paine)
  10. 18. Fourth level of needs; includes high evaluation of the self and recognition from others
  11. 20. Third level of needs; includes affection, belonging, and group membership