Mason Sutton Vocab Activity

  1. 2. The type of market or environment in which businesses operate
  2. 7. choosing not to do something that is considered risky
  3. 8. A type of market structure in which a market is controlled by one supplier
  4. 9. Illegal business agreement in which businesses agree on prices of their goods or services, resulting in little choice for the customer
  5. 13. A market structure in which there are many businesses selling a lot of identical products for about the same price to many buyers
  6. 14. the rivalry between two or more businesses to attract scarce customer dollars
  7. 15. A type of rivalry between or among businesses that involves factors other than price
  8. 18. A federal regulation intended to prevent specific business actions that might restrict competition
  9. 19. A federal regulation that established a regulatory agency to monitor business activities in order to prevent unfair competition
  10. 20. An illegal activity in which a business charges different customers different prices for similar amounts and types of products
  1. 1. An illegal agreement that forbids customers from buying goods and services from competitors
  2. 3. Protects competitors from takeovers that would limit competition
  3. 4. A type of market structure in which a lot of businesses sell similar products that have only a few differences
  4. 5. An economic system in which individuals and groups rather than the government own or control the means of production
  5. 6. Rivalry between or among businesses that offer dissimilar goods or services
  6. 10. risks caused by human mistakes
  7. 11. Using minimum amounts of resources to the best advantage
  8. 12. A type of rivalry between or among businesses that focuses on the use of price to attract scarce customer dollars
  9. 16. A market structure in which there are relatively few sellers, and industry leaders usually determine prices
  10. 17. Rivalry between or among businesses that offer similar types of goods or services