Mason's Crossword puzzle

  1. 2. DATA - images photographs and tables
  2. 5. a device for communication
  3. 8. fast powerful and expensive aka goliath
  4. 12. COPY- produces a physical item/ tangible
  5. 13. and receive calls
  6. 16. DEVICE- holds data and stuff
  7. 17. - data that is processed into something else
  8. 18. PROCESSING CYCLE - 4 functions - VV
  9. 19. programs/ instructions for computers (system/ application)
  10. 20. DATA - letters numbers and special characters
  11. 21. the physical components of a computer
  12. 24. COMPUTER SYSTEM - one user at a time
  13. 25. - data is entered into a computer, processed and sent
  14. 26. MEMORY- electronic chips for temporary storage
  15. 28. DEVICE- any device that is able to do complex task
  16. 29. SYSTEM- a computer and all that comes with it
  17. 30. DATA - video, motion picture, and live web cameras
  1. 1. - lager smartphone with more compatibility
  2. 3. DEVICE- phone, computer, modem
  3. 4. COMPUTER - smart watches, headphones
  4. 6. - sends info to somewhere
  5. 7. DEVICE- keyboard, mouse, etc.
  6. 8. COPY- produces a non physical item/ non tangible
  7. 9. COMPUTER - tablets, phones, etc
  8. 10. usb, hard drive , cloud
  9. 11. single user computer with high performance
  10. 14. COMPUTER-a computer system for hundreds of users
  11. 15. powerful computer for different computers to work off of.
  12. 17. PROCESSING - data processing
  13. 22. COMPUTER SYSTEM- accommodates multiple users at a time
  14. 23. - a computers electrical components create information which is called output
  15. 27. DATA - voice, sound, and music