Masque of the Red Death

  1. 2. what had the guests all been doing while they hid from the plague
  2. 4. the theme of each room
  3. 7. what happened to the stranger at the end of the story
  4. 10. what kind of windows were in each room
  5. 11. what came out of the pores that gave the plague its name
  6. 12. what did all of the prince's friends have in common
  7. 14. what was the stranger dressed as (symbolically)
  8. 15. who hid from the plague with his friends
  1. 1. how many people lived at the end of the story
  2. 3. where did they hid from the plague
  3. 5. the plague going across the kingdom
  4. 6. what kind of dance did they have at the end of the story
  5. 8. what color was the last window
  6. 9. what did the prince try to kill the stranger with
  7. 11. what color were the drapes in the last room
  8. 13. what sounded every hour that scared people
  9. 16. how many rooms were there