Mass Communication

  1. 2. When there is a problem with a machine that is being used to assist communication
  2. 4. The ways the message travels to the receiver
  3. 6. Small screen media devices - indicates that the mass media have become increasingly mobile
  4. 7. Anything that interferes with the delivery of the message
  5. 9. Initiates the communication process by transmitting a thought or idea to another entity
  6. 10. The target of the message
  7. 12. Happens when receiving a message
  8. 13. Audience members upload this type of content
  9. 14. Type of communication where a person or group interacts with another person or group without the aid of a mechanical device
  1. 1. External to the communication process; noise at a restaurant
  2. 3. Technology assisted communication; combines characteristics of interpersonal and mass communication
  3. 5. Different people have different meanings of words and/or phrases
  4. 8. the process of coming together or uniting in a common interest or focus
  5. 11. Assigning meaning to messages; thoughts into words; can happen more than one time in the process
  6. 15. Mass communication has become less mass and more selective