Mastering the Morgue

  1. 2. Visually inspecting the organs or tissues and describing what is seen.
  2. 4. A group of atoms held together by chemical bonds.
  3. 9. What happens physiologically (inside the body) to result in death
  4. 12. the front side of the body
  5. 15. A physician who performs an autopsy
  6. 16. A postmortem evaluation to determine cause of death.
  7. 17. A group of organs in a body that work together to perform a specific function.
  8. 19. A process where atoms and/or molecules are rearranged to transform matter.
  9. 21. An organ system that breaks down food to extract energy and nutrients and then evacuates remaining waste.
  10. 22. The circumstances that result in death, which are designated as natural or unnatural
  11. 23. The small molecules produced as byproducts during metabolism.
  12. 25. A naturally-occurring poison produced by living organisms
  13. 26. muscular sac which contains acids and enzymes and contracts rhythmically to break down food.
  1. 1. Manufactured and extracted chemicals that are in our environment and produce adverse biological effects of any nature.
  2. 3. the change in body temperature after death
  3. 5. pooling of the body following death
  4. 6. Lies between the stomach and large intestine.
  5. 7. digestion by your body's use of acids and enzymes to break down foods into smaller molecules.
  6. 8. A muscular tube that transports food from mouth (oral cavity) to the stomach.
  7. 10. The chemical reaction processes of breaking down molecules and building up more complex molecules.
  8. 11. the stiffening of joints and muscles after death
  9. 13. A substance that the body needs to maintain life and health
  10. 14. A place where the bodies of dead persons are kept
  11. 18. digestion by the mechanical act of breaking down food into smaller parts.
  12. 20. The specific injury, trauma, or disease that directly caused the victim's death
  13. 24. the back side of the body