Matariki Stars: The seven sisters

  1. 2. The star linked with rain.
  2. 3. The star linked with fresh water and fresh water food.
  3. 6. What time of year can you see matariki.
  4. 8. The star that links to the food that grows in the ground.
  5. 10. morining When can you see matariki.
  6. 11. new year What does matariki symbolies.
  1. 1. The star associated with dreams and asparations for the year.
  2. 4. The star that determines wind for the year.
  3. 5. The star that signifies well being, reflection and hope.
  4. 7. The star linked with the ocean and the food that comes from it.
  5. 9. The star associated with the deaceased.