
  1. 3. Used to make windows, bottles, and other objects
  2. 8. A substance that flows and is not solid
  3. 9. Is an excellent electricity conductor
  4. 11. Material can be bent easily without breaking
  5. 12. Any of these material silver gold copper
  6. 14. Material that light rays can pass throug
  7. 15. Some pillows are filled with
  8. 16. Sticky
  9. 19. You can make warm clothes with it
  1. 1. Opposite to flexible
  2. 2. Capable of returning to its original length shape etc
  3. 4. These bullet is made of -----
  4. 5. Some are precious and expensive
  5. 6. Easy to break
  6. 7. Impervious to water
  7. 10. Most of the toys are made of
  8. 13. That atract metals
  9. 17. First name of a marvel super heroe with a light circle
  10. 18. The cotton texture is
  11. 19. Furniture can be made of