
  1. 1. any real number
  2. 8. the set of its
  3. 10. the area contained
  4. 11. first, outside, inside
  5. 13. describes the behave
  6. 16. a number or algebraic
  7. 18. numerical measure
  8. 19. the point where the line or
  9. 20. an expression
  1. 2. a number
  2. 3. the difference between
  3. 4. a value ot val
  4. 5. a quantity that may
  5. 6. any replacement for the
  6. 7. a mathematical statement with
  7. 9. a key number whose
  8. 12. represents equal parts of a whole or
  9. 14. the collection of whole
  10. 15. the symbol used to indicate
  11. 17. each angular point