
  1. 5. what kinda operation are you running here
  2. 7. i love that car
  3. 8. would you grab me a drink
  4. 9. thank you man
  5. 11. okay whats the problem
  6. 16. i want a hamburger
  7. 18. fifreen is your total
  8. 19. did you do the dishes
  9. 20. hey guys wait up
  10. 21. i need to sit on that bench
  1. 1. sure i can do that
  2. 2. roy crock
  3. 3. lets go to the park
  4. 4. can we get mcdonalds
  5. 6. we are out of that
  6. 10. i want to go home
  7. 12. you stink
  8. 13. alrighty then
  9. 14. can you swing by
  10. 15. i need to eat
  11. 17. this game is awsome