
  1. 2. is a thing that is composed of two or more
  2. 5. is taking two or more numbers
  3. 7. of 3
  4. 9. is a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance.
  5. 13. is reflected shape
  6. 15. Is the state of being expanded or widened
  7. 17. is in the box
  1. 1. when it tilted
  2. 2. is having the same size and shape
  3. 3. is rotating shape
  4. 4. is two flat ends in the shape of circles.
  5. 5. is multiply the length and the width rectangle
  6. 6. is same distance and direction
  7. 8. interest is easy
  8. 10. is the best class
  9. 11. is (0,0)
  10. 12. is the weigh
  11. 14. is a diagram
  12. 15. help others
  13. 16. An equation that makes a straight line it