
  1. 3. what builds credit and deposits amount of money that will come back to you when closing if used card responsible?
  2. 9. money made after all expenses are paid
  3. 11. ordered numbers least to greatest to find the ?
  4. 12. the average of how far each # is from the mean.
  5. 14. who’s the best math teacher ?
  6. 16. what is the total value of the company’s shares?
  7. 18. To find the____ pick out the number that occurs the mos frequent.
  8. 19. what is the term for flat fee or commission?
  9. 20. what is the term for adding all the data up and dividing the amount of numbers?
  10. 21. what is the term for Late fees and over limit fees
  11. 22. what is a person who shares stocks and can be purchased through?
  12. 24. Person who uses credit
  1. 1. A business owned by one person
  2. 2. what do you do to distribute the same amount of cookies to a group of kids?
  3. 4. register Used to document transactions
  4. 5. what is the term for someone responsible of the business
  5. 6. money used to start business
  6. 7. Purchasing something not paid for immediately
  7. 8. what it called when you get no down payment, interest or periodic payments?
  8. 10. person that extends credit
  9. 13. what is the term for total of shares issued by corporation?
  10. 15. a amount representing the power to which a number of expression is to be raised.
  11. 17. Person who agrees to pay back money if borrower does not
  12. 23. how do you calculate the sum of a group of numbers?