
  1. 3. intersection of two lines called y-azixs and x-axis
  2. 5. an angle more than 90 and less than 180
  3. 8. the number below a fraction
  4. 9. a line extending from the center of a circle
  5. 11. a symbol written above to the right of a number
  6. 15. the number above a fraction
  7. 17. the area of a 3D figure but not including the base
  8. 18. a problem using more than one variable
  9. 20. the distance around a circle
  10. 21. a negative number
  11. 22. a variable that depends on the value of other variables
  12. 24. a graph that is linear
  13. 26. the measure of the size of an object or shape
  14. 29. a mathematical expression that is greater or less than another mathematical expression
  15. 30. shapes that have the same length and width/identical
  1. 1. the measure of how steep a line is
  2. 2. two units represented as a fraction
  3. 4. a non-linear graph
  4. 6. a number that can be divided by two
  5. 7. numbers that are written in fractions
  6. 10. when lines all intersect in one spot
  7. 12. i line with two different end points
  8. 13. parts of 100
  9. 14. the amount of space inside a shape
  10. 16. the space around a shape
  11. 19. a diagram that is organized with data
  12. 23. usually the number on the bottom of a shape/width
  13. 25. number that cant be divided by two
  14. 27. a line diagram
  15. 28. a positive integer that divides numbers evenly