
  1. 2. Each number in a sequence is called a
  2. 3. the same.
  3. 4. is a function that
  4. 8. A ______ is a number, a variable, or the product of a number and one or more variables with whole number exponents.
  5. 10. output values of the original relation.
  6. 13. the difference between each pair of consecutive terms
  7. 14. the ratio between each pair of consecutive terms is the same.
  8. 17. The U-shaped graph of a quadratic function is called a _____.
  9. 20. in the radicand.
  10. 21. is not true.
  11. 22. variable in the radicand.
  12. 23. of the graph of the function.
  13. 24. A polynomial with three terms is a ______.
  1. 1. f is an x-value for which f (x) = 0. A zero of a function is an
  2. 3. the radicand.
  3. 5. is a function that contains a radical expression with the
  4. 6. a square root with the independent
  5. 7. equation is an equation that contains a radical expression with a variable
  6. 9. are functions that undo
  7. 11. A _____ is a monomial or sum of monomial.
  8. 12. is an ordered list of numbers.
  9. 15. A polynomial with two terms is a _____.
  10. 16. counterexample is an example that proves that a general
  11. 18. other.
  12. 19. switches the input