
  1. 3. A figure formed by two rays, or sides, with a common endpoint
  2. 6. two nonadjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines. opposite angles
  3. 9. a 180 degree angle
  4. 10. A quadrilateral with four right angles and four sides of equal length
  5. 12. common endpoint
  6. 13. an angle more then 90 degrees
  7. 15. A quadrilateral with four right angle
  8. 17. angles that add up to 90 degrees
  9. 18. A quadrilateral with all sides of equal length
  10. 19. A quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides
  1. 1. angles that have the same measures
  2. 2. an angle less then 90 degrees
  3. 4. A quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel side
  4. 5. a pair of adjacent angles whose noncommon sides are opposite rays
  5. 7. a 90 degree angle
  6. 8. 1 out of 360 of a circle
  7. 10. angles that add up to 180 degrees
  8. 11. A quadrilateral with two pairs of consecutive, equal sides
  9. 14. the line segment, line, or ray that bisects an angle
  10. 16. usually given in degrees.