
  1. 2. the "middle value" in a series of numbers ordered from least to greatest.
  2. 3. the repeated addition of the same number
  3. 8. a form of math that usually deals with measuring and shapes
  4. 9. A three-sided polygon
  5. 11. the subject im doing this for
  6. 13. a simple operation that separates something into equal pieces
  7. 14. A statement that shows the equality of two expressions by joining them with an equals sign.
  8. 16. a polygon with four equal sides
  9. 18. putting 2 numbers together
  10. 20. a tool used for making mathematical calculations
  11. 21. A straight infinite path joining an infinite number of points in both directions
  1. 1. A number that divides into another number exactly
  2. 4. a branch of mathematics that substitutes letters for numbers.
  3. 5. The longest side of a right-angled triangle, always opposite to the right angle itself.
  4. 6. A quantity that is not whole that contains a numerator and denominator
  5. 7. A six-sided and six-angled polygon
  6. 10. The measure of how heavy something is.
  7. 11. the values that occur most frequently in a list of numbers
  8. 12. A number that divides another number into equal parts
  9. 15. The operation of finding the difference between two numbers
  10. 17. a letter used to represent a numerical value
  11. 19. the average of a group of numbers