  1. 5. how much space taken inside of a shape
  2. 13. angle greater than 90 degrees
  3. 14. number left over from a division
  4. 15. all sides the same length
  5. 16. the number inside of the division symbol
  6. 17. a 3D shape with a bottom and a point at top
  7. 18. shape with all sides equal
  8. 19. 2,4,6,8 are all what type of numbers
  9. 20. the answer of a division problem
  10. 21. the middle number
  11. 25. a flat surface of a 3D shape
  12. 26. the distance around of a shape
  1. 1. the number outside the division symbol
  2. 2. angle that is 90 degrees
  3. 3. number on bottom of fraction symbol
  4. 4. a 4 sided shape
  5. 6. two lines going in the same direction
  6. 7. a 3D shape with no edges, vertices and faces
  7. 8. study of shape, lines and angles
  8. 9. the answer to a multiplication problem
  9. 10. the space inside of a shape
  10. 11. the number appears the most
  11. 12. average
  12. 15. another name for lines of a 3D shape
  13. 18. to make smaller
  14. 22. angle less than 90 degrees
  15. 23. a number that divides into another
  16. 24. number on top of a fraction symbol