
  1. 1. a single number or a single variable, several variables multiplied but never added or subtracted
  2. 3. product of the number is 1 (3x1/3)
  3. 4. repeating or ending in a decimal;can be written as a fraction
  4. 5. add or multiply by 3
  5. 6. add or multiply by 2
  6. 7. (x,y) locate a point on a grid
  7. 9. number by itself(no variable)
  8. 11. distance around a plane figure
  9. 12. inverse sum of two numbers in 0, (2+-2)
  10. 13. the amount of surface
  11. 15. result of multiplication
  1. 2. property of equality; multiply or divide both sides of an equation
  2. 3. nonrepeating;non ending,can not be a fraction
  3. 5. property of equality; add or subtract from both sides of an equation
  4. 8. one of the four regions on a coordinate plane
  5. 9. number in front of the variable
  6. 10. result of addition
  7. 14. (0,0)