
  1. 4. subset or part of a population
  2. 5. something that appears to the participants to be an active treatment, but does not actually contain the active treatment
  3. 7. a study of every unit, everyone or everything, in a population.
  4. 9. collection of all outcomes responses or counts
  5. 10. Describes Qualities or characteristics
  6. 11. an investigation about the characteristics of a given population by means of collecting data from a sample of that population and estimating their characteristics through the systematic use of statistical methodology
  7. 12. first and simplest level of measurement
  8. 16. the act of randomly assigning subjects in a study to different treatment groups
  9. 17. Science of collecting, interpreting data in order to make decision.
  10. 18. blind keeping study participants, those involved with their management, and those collecting and analyzing clinical data unaware of the assigned treatment, so that they should not be influenced by that knowledge.
  1. 1. a model that mimics the operation of an existing or proposed system, providing evidence for decision-making by being able to test different scenarios or process changes.
  2. 2. value of data in the form of counts or numbers
  3. 3. a numerical description of a population characteristic
  4. 6. numerical description of sample statistic
  5. 8. investigates the cause and effect relationship between two variables.
  6. 13. he concealment of group allocation from one or more individuals involved in a clinical research study
  7. 14. groups variables into categories and conveys order of the variable.
  8. 15. information from observation