
  1. 8. to put two numbers or variables together
  2. 12. multiply a number by a number in parenthesis
  3. 13. a number that can be expressed as the quotient or fraction
  4. 16. a letter used to represnt an unkown number
  5. 17. a relationship between two quantities
  6. 18. finding the answer to an equation
  7. 19. having to solve on both sides
  8. 20. reducing the expression/fraction/problem in a simpler form.
  1. 1. a pictorial representation of a problem or concept where bars or boxes are used to represent the known and unknown quantities
  2. 2. putting your answer in the question to see if you got the correct answer
  3. 3. Negative and positive
  4. 4. to divide one number from another
  5. 5. to take away from a number
  6. 6. things used to represt something
  7. 7. integer,decimal,or fraction
  8. 9. doing the other soultion
  9. 10. to times a number by another number
  10. 11. putting a number or varible in a spot for another
  11. 14. joined numbers to create a bigger number
  12. 15. same variable in an equation